Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 31 October, 2024 commencing at 2.00 pm.
Councillors Tim Grogan, Andrew Lee and Andy Paraskos.
Officers present: Fiona Casson, Nicki Lishman, Lisa Templeton and John Wardell.
Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book
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Election of Chair
That Councillor Tim Grogan be elected as Chair for the meeting.
(Councillor Tim Grogan in the Chair)
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Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.
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Disclosures of interest
There were no declarations of interest.
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Procedure for Licensing Hearings
The attached procedure was noted.
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Application for grant of a Premises Licence for Bay Vineyard, Greenhills Farm, High Lane, Robin Hoods Bay, YO22 4PJ
The Corporate Director – Environment sought the determination by the Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee of an application for the grant of a premise licence (Licensing Act 2003 ‘The Act’) at Bay Vineyard, Greenhills Farm, High Lane, Robin Hoods Bay, YO22 4PJ.
The Sub Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director of Environment, the application, 46 representations submitted by members of the public, further submissions from the applicants and a further submission made by the representative of 6 interested parties who had initially made representations.
The Licensing Officer, the applicant, nine interested parties who made written representations and a representative of a further six interested parties who had made representations each spoke to the Sub Committee.
The applicant spoke to explain the operation of the business and the reasons for requiring a premises licence.
The interested parties raised concerns such as the proposed operating hours, noise, disturbance and road safety.
In coming to its decision, the sub-committee had due regard to the four Licensing Objectives, namely:
· the prevention of crime and disorder · public safety, · the prevention of public nuisance, and · the protection of children from harm.
That the premises licence be granted on the terms applied for and including the conditions submitted by the applicant, as described in the attached Decision Notice.
Decision notice - Bay Vineyard, Greenhills Farm, High Lane, Robin Hoods Bay, YO22 4PJ
The meeting concluded at 4.05 pm.